OCHO Medical Group of Professor Zagórski

UBM – ultrasound biomicroscopy

UBM-ultrasound biomicroscopy, is an ultrasound examination of the anterior segment of the eye with the use of a special probe. It is used to examine pathological lesions in the cornea, anterior chamber, iridocorneal angle, iris, lens and ciliary body. It may also be performed in the case of corneal opacity. It is important in the diagnosis of secondary and closed-angle glaucoma, iris anomalies and tumours of the cornea, conjunctiva, iris and the ciliary body. It enables e.g. assessment of iris anomalies, diagnosis of secondary and angle-closure glaucoma, assessment of pathological lesions in the anterior segment of the eye, such as tumours or cysts. The examination is conducted in a supine position, with the use of a special anaesthetic


UBM is an examination of the anterior segment of the eye. UBM, i.e. ultrasound biomicroscopy, is used to examine the cornea, anterior chamber, iridocorneal angle, iris, lens and ciliary body and vitreous base.

The examination is performed in a supine position. After local anaesthesia, a special attachment in the form of elastic container filled with fluid is put on the patient’s eye, in which the probe tip is immersed. Then, the doctor put the probe in the fluid and performs the examination. The image of the eye tissues can be seen on the monitor.

It is a painless procedure conducted under local anaesthesia using eye drops and lasts short, about 15 minutes.

Yes, the treating ophthalmologist should issue a referral note for UBM examination.

The patient receives the result on the day of the examination.

Yes, there are no contraindications.

UBM - ultrasound biomicroscopy

price from

150 PLN

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